The Digital Profits Fast Track Workshop is our annual Digital Marketing Conference where over 3 full days of live training we share how we buy, build and renovate websites and make money online.
We also get our past graduates to share their experiences in how they were able to quit their jobs and transition to working from home and generating their incomes online even though they were complete beginners with no previous internet business experience.
Click On The Video Below to hear the top lessons from the eBusiness Institute Annual Conference…
Liz Raad: Hi, we are so excited. We are back at our kitchen table after running our annual three day digital marketing event. And wow, it was fantastic. What an amazing group of students we talked through the process of buying, renovating, and selling websites.
Live Training Event teaches you how to buy and build websites!
Matt Raad: The Digital Profits Fast Track Workshop is a live training conference where we go for three days, just Liz and I teaching, and we take people step by step through how to make money online.

But more importantly, we bring up a lot of our past graduates, and they share their experiences, and what they’re doing to generate income online. Because what we’ve found is, over the years, our graduates go in all sorts of interesting directions online. We give people the skills, the foundational skills that you need to make money online, or the digital skills you need for the future. And then our students take it in different directions, and wow, wasn’t it an interesting year this year, seeing what everyone’s done.
“Wow, what an amazing, fun, fact-filled 3 days. Matt and Liz are the real deal – you can see this when they speak & through their Champions who love them. It is very much a family feel. A nurturing environment where it is safe to have a go.” – Nikki T, Warriewood NSW
Liz: Fantastic, and we’re going through all our feedback forms from the conference and it is wonderful to hear. And what we wanted to do today is give you the three big take home lessons that people got out of the Digital Profits workshop. Because I think, for you, going forward, whether you went to the workshop or whether you’re thinking about maybe coming next year, this is what people found when they came to this live training workshop. And it’s really inspirational!
Matt: Yes, it really stood out, didn’t it?
#1 Learning: How To Start An Online Business!
Liz: Because number one, which has come out across the board, is a genuine excitement and feeling of “I can actually do this” So we’ve got lots of comments like “I came into this Digital space thinking eh, I’m not really going to be able to do this,” and, “I don’t know, I don’t understand anything technical”
And then walking out with real clarity, “Okay, I know what I’m going to do, I know how I can make this happen, and I feel really confident”

I actually want to read one of them, it was really cute. She said, “It was really cool, “the fact that everyone in the room wasn’t 22 years old and a techie.” Because we get all our awesome champions and clients up to say what they’ve been doing, where they’ve been applying these skills.

And we got a whole range of ages, from 13 – actually our website winners for the best website built were 12 and 13 years old, which is pretty amazing.
Matt: And everyone, up to people in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s
“I am so surprised. I came here today to support my husband in his decision to change careers, but instead I found this an opportunity we can do together. Liz and Matt have such incredible passion. Its contagious!” – Terrie L, Miranda NSW

Inspirational Website Builds From Our Students!
Matt: Learning how to build websites from scratch, based on our WebDev Accelerate program, and we featured the best website builds up on the stage. And we’ll do another video or article soon to showcase those. They’re just amazing.
Liz: And these websites were built by complete novices, beginners in the digital space. So absolutely amazing to see the results there from our students who are learning how to build websites.
Matt: Yes, so that was takeaway number one, which I thought was fantastic. I can actually do this stuff.
#2 Learning: How To Launch A Million Dollar Website Idea…
Liz: Takeaway number two – I think came out of our million dollar idea session.
Matt: Yes, this year was huge.

Matt: I think in part, too, because we had a couple of our graduates, Mike and Cindy Summers, who shared their website www.Perfect Room, (created with training from eBusiness Institute) which has now gone gangbusters and is being used by some of the major real estate agents in Australia. We heard their story and how we were able to help them and tweak their strategy a little bit so that they went more into the commercial space with that website.
eBusiness Institute Graduates Launch a $50Million Deal!
And then we also had Rob and Kath getting up and sharing their potential $50 million deal, possibly into the hundreds of millions. And they just shared how they were able to do that through the websites that they were able to build while on the ebusiness institute Champions Digital Entrepreneurs Masters Program.

Total Beginner, learns how to launch a Multi-Million Website Idea…
And what was fascinating, Robert was sitting in the same audience just literally 12 months before, not knowing how to build a website. Just he got dragged along, he said, to this amazing conference, and then rest is history.
Liz: And we had lots of people commenting: I have this – what we do is we get people to draw on their current knowledge, and actually one of our graduates came up with this idea – that is to find their “superpower”. The hidden knowledge that they’ve got that they could create into a multi-million dollar idea, and then in this digital age, what’s really exciting, is you can now actually launch that big idea and create a 7 or 8 figure business out of that, far easier than you could 10 years ago, even five years ago.
So very, very exciting. We’ve got lots of people out there developing their million dollar website ideas, which is great.
“Words cant express the value of this workshop. It’s a game changer that will affect the lives of generations” – Kerrin Tregeagle, Sydney
#3 Learning: The Power Of Networking With Like-Minded Community…
Liz: And then the third thing that really stood out for us, which we’re really proud of, and excited by, is that people loved being in a group of like-minded, motivated, positive people who are on the same path. And we had lots and lots of connections made. Everyone’s saying they made new friends, new connections, and it is really nice to see.
Matt: I think the main comment, looking at one here, every feedback form this year commented on the networking. It was just phenomenal, to be in that room, there was a real vibe in the room this year.

And it was thanks to everyone there. We all created it, everyone on that path. And in one of the sessions we taught the importance of networking, because that’s what’s helped Liz and I in business over the years. And even though we’re in this online space running virtual businesses, we are constantly networking. And that flowed through in this workshop. And everyone connected, and everyone’s commented – “just amazing people in the room”, and “the vibe, and the positivity.” And just seeing all the success stories and inspirational websites as well.
“Matt and Liz, as an educator I have attended countless conferences. Yours by far is the most professional, motivating and content-rich one I have ever attended. You truly do change lives! Thank you.” – Rosemary Collins, Perth WA
Liz: So it was a fantastic Digital Marketing Training Event. There’s our three top takeaways. And we’re really excited about it.
Matt: Can’t wait til next year, now.
Liz: Well, and then the other thing, the other thing that came through all the feedback was–
“… when are Matt and Liz Raad coming to our city?”
Liz: (Laughs) Because you might notice, Matt doesn’t travel south. Because it’s too cold. South of the border, the temperature drops! But you never know, we might convince him
Matt: (Laughs) You never know…
Liz: So if you’d like to see us in your city, and maybe we do some meetups or something like that to keep that awesome Matt and Liz community going, we’d love to do that. So comment below if you’re interested in having us in your city, maybe doing a meetup or something, let us know.
Liz: All right congratulations to everyone who was there at the three day Digital Profits Fast Track Workshop. Thank you so much for making it such an amazing event. It was that amazing audience that made the environment, and it was just a wonderful time. So we are looking forward to doing it all again next year, and we can’t wait until next year now, too.
Thank you soooo much Matt & Liz.
The conference was one of the best things I’ve ever been to. It was such an amazing experience and I 100% agree with the takeaways; it can be done, it can be exciting and there are many who want to do it.
Would love to see you down in Melbourne again (maybe when the snow thaws).
Until then, thanks again – you guys truely are 2 of the great ones
It was a great learning three days. Great people.
Thank you to all the friendly Staff too!
I have some great ideas for a website and have started to
build one. Also looking at Flippa to buy.
Cheers Bernie
Very keen on travel south for meet ups!