Learn How You Can Buy A Highly Profitable Turnkey Website From This Recent Inspirational Website Sale.
Key Stats:
Website For Sale Niche: Vegan Blog – simple content site started as a hobby/passion about all things vegan esp vegan recipes
Income: Makes over $3000 USD profit per month passively
Hours Worked: This is a classic passive website, absentee run by owner
Monetisation: Automated Ads (advertisers pay to place ads on the site)
Website Sold For: $73,753 USD
For today’s website for sale showcase we want to take a closer look at a recent website sale on Flippa, because its so inspirational. Its the perfect example of how you can buy an online business that is super simple to run and already set up generating solid passive profits.
This site is a classic, very simple content site where the main thing the owner does is post content that is written by outsourced writers.
But whats really inspirational is the niche its in – this is a site about the Vegan lifestyle. We have a lot of students who are passionate about this niche and here is a perfect example of a vegan blog successfully making over $3000 per month. Passion niches can be fantastic ways to start earning money online passively as they are highly sought after websites and typically easy to build, renovate, monetise and get traffic to once you know how.
[To learn more about what passion niches are popular online make sure you check out this article on buy and sell website market trends with Flippa CEO Blake Hutchison]
CLICK ON THE VIDEO BELOW to learn about this profitable established Vegan website for sale
Passive Website for Sale in Vegan Niche
Matt Raad: Hi, everyone. Welcome back to this week’s Website for Sale Showcase. Today, I’ve got Ben with me from Flippa. And wow – it looks like you’ve got a really interesting one to share with us today.
Ben Weiss: We do! This is a classic content blog focused on Vegans: vegan lifestyle, vegan food etc. This website’s doing some incredible numbers.
Matt: And this site’s turned into quite a nice-sized passive business for the owner, hasn’t it?
Ben: Yes, this one’s huge. It’s big enough that they actually don’t want to give their name out, unless you sign a quick NDA on Flippa. So, that’s the one thing that you first have to do if you do want to do a full website purchase due diligence.

This established content website has solid monthly traffic and income
But what you can see is some of these basic numbers. Some of the flattest lines that I’ve ever seen for page views and visits. These numbers are sitting at 93,000 page views, and 50,000 unique visits a month. There is a slight bump recently, but otherwise there’s no dips in these figures, just smooth sailing. People are constantly visiting this site.
Matt: A rock steady solid website, and how old is it? Over what timeframe are we talking?
Established Websites Are More Valuable…
Ben: This is a seven-year-old content site. And if you know anything about the best content sites, age means so much. It was a huge facet in how Google and Yahoo and Bing go in their search results. So, if you have a site that’s seven years old, it’s going to be deep, rich with content and links. And that’s why it’s got those steady numbers.
Matt: This is one of those classic, highly valuable website assets. It’s like this is a blue chip, solid virtual real estate.
Income: Over $3,000 a month with automated Advertising
Ben: Yes, 100%. It’s doing over US$3000 a month.
Matt: So, this is a vegan blog. And obviously we’re not allowed to say the URL. If anyone is interested in this one, then you have to sign a confidentiality agreement with Flippa before you can get the full access to the details in order to do full diligence on this webiste.
Make Money By Sharing Your Knowledge and Passion Online…
So, being a big content site, how does it make money?
Ben: This is one of those classic accidental dream come true situations. Sounds like the owner started this website all the way back in 2013; so seven and a half years ago.
Basically, because they were sharing vegan recipes with their friends they said, “Why don’t you just start a website? It’ll be easier than emailing someone individually.” And they’re like, “Oh, all right. Whatever.”
Seven years later, they implemented some ads (using Mediavine), and they’re doing $3000 a month. And this all came about just because they liked to share their vegan knowledge.
Amazing Blue Chip Virtual Real Estate Created Accidentally From A Passion Niche
Matt: Ok, so this came out of a passionate niche, and they’ve almost accidentally created this amazing blue chip virtual real estate. And I think it’s worth mentioning too, there’s been an enormous amount of interest in Flippa for this one, hasn’t there?
Ben: Yes. It’s a pretty new listing and we liked it from the get-go, so we put it into our daily email where we usually feature three top listings every day. For this listing, I actually had to warn the account manager for it. There are a lot of discussions around it and people want to talk about this one.
Matt: Okay, wow! Well, there some great lessons here too, something to learn for anyone interested in having a simple passive income generating website. Maybe it’s not a site you’re going to buy right now, but this is potentially a really good niche. You get a nice rock-solid successful site like this in the vegan niche, and there’s a lot of interest in it.
Always look for simple opportunities to double the websites income…
So, this is a big, giant content site. Ben, from your point of view, what do you think are the opportunities? I’m presuming, at the very least, you just keep it ticking along as-is?
Ben: To me, there’s two easy ways you can potentially double this website’s income:
- Add new content and articles to the website (with outsourced writers)
- Add new or higher paying advertisers and affiliate programs
You can definitely buy this website if it’s a niche that you’re passionate about. That’s something I might say is perfect for this situation. Someone who’s maybe already writing about vegan life, but their blog just hasn’t had time to gain the traction that this website has managed to do so well over the last seven years. With this you can say, “All right, I’ll take all your information and start publishing my new content on this website.”
Otherwise, if you really have ideas on how you can grow it; I don’t know if there’s affiliate programs you can work on with the vegan lifestyle or all these meal kits are out there these days. There’s plenty of avenues to go but you have to be pretty smart to understand how to get that done.
It’s a well-oiled machine at this point; $3000 a month and 100,000 page views.
Matt: That’s right. In our experience, within this vegan niche (or any recipe niche for that matter), the easiest way to monetize these types of websites is simply straight-out online advertising programs – either AdSense or Mediavine. As you say Ben, it takes a lot of work to put in affiliate products, so it’s not really necessary.
But for my money, if it was me with this site, I’d just keep this as a highly valuable asset in my portfolio. It’s ticking along, making $3,000 a month. That’s a nice return on your money! Just put a bit of content on there, and you can probably just grow it with more content.
Its Simple To Employ A Relatively Passive Content Strategy On Sites Like This…
Ben: Oh, 100%. And then one of the first questions I’d probably want to know (and it might actually be somewhere deep in the listing here), is how much content is on there right now. What would happen if I just let it be, and put one post up a month etc. That’s not the ideal way to run this but maybe that’s what you want to do.
Matt: Yes, some of these sites are the classic semi-passive websites where you just post some content once a month to keep it ticking along. And obviously, it’s got six-years rock-solid history with those flat lines in the traffic. Just phenomenal.
Buying Website Tip: You may need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to do your full website buying due diligence
So, if someone is interested in buying this website and doing full due diligence, this is a little bit different process on Flippa. Because this is a bigger site, you’ve got to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Ben: Yes. It sounds scarier than it is! But it’s really just a standard protocol. Some of these listings want to make sure that you’ve basically clicked the waiver which is saying that you’re not going to give this information out anywhere.
To do this, sign up for Flippa. Once you go to this listing, there’s basically just a button you push. We’ll use standard terms, NDA. Click “I agree” and within a day you’ll have access.
Matt: Great. So, if you’re interested in this one, you obviously need to do your own due diligence on this website: https://flippa.com/10539425-advertising-health-and-beauty
And you can check it out and get in contact with Flippa. You’ll need an account with Flippa obviously, if you are going to be signing a confidentiality agreement on this listing. But these are the really interesting sites. Often, these ones where you do need to sign a confidentiality agreement, these can be some really good website buys here, really nice passive websites. And this one’s certainly sounds really interesting. So, thanks so much for sharing that with us today Ben.
Ben: Of course. It’s my pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Learn how to do proper due diligence on bigger website purchases
If you’re looking to add bigger websites to your digital portfolio, then I would strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with a good website due diligence process. Our Free Training Masterclass on How To Buy Positive Cashflow Websites shows you how you can safely buy established websites for sale and generate positive cash flow for your portfolio.